Gus gossert biography definition

What is doo-wop

year-old Robert “Gus” Gossert was found shot dead in his car off Watt Road on August 10, Gossert coined the phrase “Doo Wop” and was known as the “curly-headed kid.” He Missing: definition.

gus gossert biography definition

Louis gossett jr children

Robert Charles (Gus) Gossert, 32, a native of Chambersburg and former resident of Shippensburg, was found dead Tuesday in his car near his home, Watt Road, Knox County, Missing: definition.

Doo-wop examples

Coined by DJ Gus Gossert in the s, referring to (mostly) white rock-and-roll groups of the late s and early s.
Doo-wop characteristics
As I mentioned previously, a New York DJ named Gus Gossert had a radio show that featured the groups of the 50s and called it doo wop.